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You are here : well do you know/Prophet Mohammad(sawaw)


When did the father of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) die ?

when he(sawaw) was 6 months old
when he(sawaw) was 1 year old
when he(sawaw) was 1 month old
before his(sawaw) birth

Q.2 When did the mother of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) die ?
when he(sawaw) was 1 years old
when he(sawaw) was 3 years old
when he(sawaw) was 6 years old
when he(sawaw) was 9 years old

Q.3 When did Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) become the guardian of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) ?
when he(sawaw) was 8 years old
when he(sawaw) was 10 years old
when he(sawaw) was 4 years old
when he(sawaw) was 2 years old

Q.4 Who recited the Nikah of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) ?
Imam Ali(a.s.)
Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.)
Hazrat Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib (a.s.)
Hazrat Jafer ibne Abu Talib(a.s.)

Q.5 When did the event of Dawat Zul-Asheera (inviting his family to Islam) occur ?
1 year after baysat
3 year after baysat
4 year after baysat
5 year after baysat

Q.6 When did the first migration to Habsha occur ?
3 year after baysat
4 year after baysat
5 year after baysat
6 year after baysat

Q.7 What was the name given by Prohpet(sawaw) to the year in which Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) and Hazrat Khadija(a.s.) die ?
Aamul Feel
Aamul Huzn
Aamul Haram
Aamul Buka

Q.8 How many battles were fought by Muslims during the 23 years of baysat ?
10 Ghazwat and 10 Saraya
21 Ghazwat and 11 Saraya
26 Ghazwat and 36 Saraya
32 Ghazwat and 40 Saraya

Q.9 When did Sulah Hudaibiya occur and who was the writer of the text ?
8 A.H. - Imam Ali(a.s.)
6 A.H. - Imam Ali(a.s.)
8 A.H. - Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.)
6 A.H. - Hazrat ibne Abbas(a.r)

Q.10 When did Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) perform his last Hajj ?
10 A.H.
8 A.H.
11 A.H.
12 A.H.

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