You are here : of Neema-e-Shabaan (15 Shabaan)
Introduction The 15th of Shabaan is also known as Neema-e-Shabaan (middle of Shabaan) and it is also remembered as Shab-e-Barat among Muslims. It is a highly virtuous night during which our last Imam Mohammad Mehdi(a.s.) was born. Imam Ali(a.s.) relates from the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) that the 15th of Shabaan is a highly virtuous night and the believers should spend this night offering prayers and should observe fast on the following day. Verily during this night until dawn Allah(swt) inquires Malaik (angels) - is there anyone who repents his sins and I forgive him/her? Is there anyone who asks for increase in earnings (Rizk/Rozi) and I grant so. Summary of Aamal of Neema-e-Shabaan Aamal in Urdu from Mafateeh-ul-Jinaan PDF Article - Aamal of 15 Shabaan from PDF Article - Aamal of 15 Shabaan from Areeza in Arabic and Urdu |