(With special thanks to www.duas.org)
Special dua of Eid-e-Ghadeer
Allah I beseech Thee
(alone), because, verily, to Thee belongs (all) praise;
Thou art Single, has no partner, One,
Unique, eternally besought Independent,
neither begets, nor begotten,
and there is none comparable unto Thee; and Muhammad is Thy servant
and Messenger, Thy blessings be on him and on his children. O He
who, every day, exercises (universal) power, so (it was) under Thy
mandate I was taken care of, and because of which I am among those
who receive Thy response, follow thy religion, and call Thee (alone).
Thou assisted me like this right from the day I was born, through
Thy favours, generosity and kindness, thereafter, Thy favours followed
one another in succession, and likewise, also Thy rewards and mercy,
in such a manner that Thou, again and again, kept (the uninterrupted
flow of favours, rewards and bounties) reactivated since my birth.
May be I was slow, forgetful, neglectful, careless and indolent,
but Thou completed Thy favours, and always thought of me in this
connection (granting of favours), bestowed them on me, directed
me into their direction, so by Thy power it is as it should be O
my God, Master, and Lord, Thou brought (Thy favours) to fullness,
did not withdraw (any blessing), till I breathed my last amid those
(advantages), Thou was pleased with me, verily Thou art the worthiest
of all who grant favours, and it is Thou who perfected Thy bounties
for me. O Allah we paid attention, obeyed, and responded to Thy
call, (and it was also Thy favour to us) therefore, praise is for
Thee (alone), we seek Thy pardon O our Lord, and unto Thee we shall
return. We believe in "One Allah who has no partner",
and in His Messenger, Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and
on his children. We stand up for and comply with Allah's command,
and follow the example of the Messenger in the matter of Love and
friendship to our "Mawlaa" and "Mawlaa" of the
believers, the commander of the faithfuls, Ali ibna abi Taalib,
the servant of Allah, the brother of His Messenger, the renowned
truthful, the decisive argument over mankind, through whom, the
Almighty helped and supported His Prophet and His manifest true
religion, the sign (pattern) of the divine system of life, approved
by Allah, the all-aware custodian of His wisdom, the repository
(being absorbed by the contemplation) of transcendental things,
the depository of Allah's secrets, the confidant whom Allah trusted
wholly with the affairs of all that which has been created by Him,
the witness who bore witness to Him in the midst of His creation.
O Allah, our Lord - Nourisher, verily we have heard a "crier"
calling unto faith: "Believe you in your Lord!" So we
believed. Our Lord! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from
us our evil deeds, and make us die the death of the righteous. Our
Lord! And give us that which Thou has promised to us by Thy Messengers,
confound us not on the Day of Judgement, verily, Thou does not break
the tryst (promise to answer him who prays). So, O our Lord, it
was Thy kindness and a favour that we acted in answer to Thy call
and do exactly as Thy Messenger did, taking his words as true, which
proves our belief that (Ali) is the "Mawlaa" of (all)
the believers: and we also denied and rejected "Jibt"
and "Taghoot", the idols representing ignorance and let
he (Ali) be our "most loving guardian", acceptance of
whose authority (wilayat) has distinguished us, and raise us on
the occasion of "the last judgement" in the company of
our Imams' for this reason we believe in them, rely on them, and
obey them. Whether alone, or in public, we are certain of them;
(we have total faith in them) under all circumstances, in their
absence, during their lifetime, in the event of their death. We
are happy to have them as our guides and leaders, they are sufficient
for us as a link between us and Allah, in exclusion of others, we
do not accept any one in exchange as their substitute, nor take
to any one, except them, for intimate friendship. We turn to Allah,
disassociating ourselves from the group of men and jinn who carried
on hostilities against them in every age. We deny and reject Jibt,
Taghoot and the four idols, (and condemn) their henchmen and their
followers, and every one, man or jin, who at any time, till eternity,
patronize them (the idols), O Allah we request Thee to be our witness
that we were upright and firm in religion in the light of that which
Muhammad and his children had set forth, blessings of Allah be on
him and on them; our opinion agrees with that which they declared
reasonable, our approach to religion is exactly the same which they
taught by practice, whatever they said we say, we cherish that which
they held dear, we deny that which they denied, we are fond of whomsoever
they loved, we hold as an enemy whomsoever they opposed, we condemn
whomsoever they censured, we detest whomsoever they disliked, we
are kind to whomsoever they treated with kindness. We believe in,
submit to, agree with, and follow in the footsteps of our masters,
blessings of Allah be on them, O Allah keep us in this condition
for ever, never withdraw it from us, let it stay stable with us,
not as a passing phase. Keep us alive always in this manner so far
we are kept alive, make us die likewise when the time comes: "Aali
Muhammad", our Imams, so following them as an example, befriending
them only, being hostile to their enemies, who in fact are Thy enemies,
therefore, let us be with them, in this world and in the Hereafter,
and be among the favourites, because this alone will given us happiness,
O the Most Merciful of all who show mercy!