You are here : of the last night of Ramzan
1. Recite 2 rakaat namaz with the intention of "Namaz of the last nigt of Ramzan Qurtabatan ilAllah" 2. Recite 2 rakaat namaz Ziarat Imam Hussain(as) and then recite the Ziarat of Imam Hussain(as) 3. Recite the following duas
4. Recite 100 times "Astaghfirullaha wa atoobu ileh" 5. Recite Sura Yaseen, Sura Anaam and Sura Kahaf 6. Recite 10 rakaat namaz in sets of 2 rakaat each. In each rakat recite once Sura al-Hamd and 10 times Sura Tawheed (Qul ho Allahu ahad). In each ruku and sajood recite 10 times "Subhanallahi wal hamdolillahi wa la ilaha illallaho wallah ho Akbar" After completing the 10 rakaat recite 1000 times "Astaghfirullaha rabbi wa atubu ileah" Finally prostrate and recite:YA HAYYU YA QAYYUMU YA ZAL JALALE WAL IKRAM